perspective, random thoughts

another birthday

I think ipinaglihi ako sa matamis. 1. People like me better with fat. 2. Even if you immerse me in a sour situation, I usually turn out better. 3. No matter how much you try to resist me, I will always get you in the end.

As another journey is to start, let me say the following:

1. I feel weird being older again. I’m not young, but i’m not old enough to be, by default perception wise, or for my life to begin its second wind.
2. A quirky and eccentric family I will not swap for another one, friends who see me for who I am (and like me anyway), to my family , we are not perfect but you are perfect for me. To my friends, thank you for telling me whatever others dared not say and for doing for me whatever others dared not do.
3. To the ones whom I thought about spending the rest of my life with, than you for reminding me the world does not revolve around me and it’s better to be the moon that reflects the light of the sun. We’re okay na.
4. To some people and organizations, thank you for making me realize my purpose in my life and reminding me of my humanity
5. Wala kong kaaway tbh…. To my special friend, skype and messenger na lang pala tayo magkikita at mag-uusap, inaaway mo pa ko desperas ng kaarawan ko. Ilang beses ko na sinabi hindi ikaw yun…. Kung anu-ano na pinagsasabi mo sa akin… ayaw mo na maniwala hindi ikaw yun…. Nag-sorry na ko,okay lang sinagot mo. Di ko alam kung ano ibig sahihin ng okay mo? In the movie Under Siege, the famous line “assumption is the mother of all f..k ups” was uttered. To qualify, optimists assume everything with a positive intention or outcome. Pessimists assume the opposite. Ergo, I am a better …. up in my life than I may be in someone else’s mind. In times of challenges, never speculate on the intentions of others to do good as it diminishes your own. Focus your efforts and thoughts into doing good, as it makes everything better for everyone….Let’s have peace for life. If the world goes on tomorrow, I have made my peace and I have something to say as a prayer for the rest of my life!
6. So my age is just okay and unremarkable. But my life so far isn’t. Thank you



random thoughts

Why do people think they have a right to demand interaction with people who don’t know them?

If you think women are paranoid about their safety and overreact, let me tell you a story from yesterday :

While on the MRT I noticed a guy staring at me in a way that made me more than uncomfortable.

I put my headphones in, and pretended to space out.

Meanwhile, I was actually alert to paying attention to what he was doing, and when it came for me to get off my stop, he also got off the same exit.

When I exited the station, I still had my headphones in but had the music so low I could hear his footsteps behind me.

Then, he started saying, “Hello…Hellllllo!” and I kept ignoring it.

Then, he grabbed my arm from behind to get my attention.

I snapped at him and said, “Please, don’t touch me.”

To which he responded, “What? I can’t have a conversation with you?”

“No,” I said.

I sped up my pace and tried to get ahead of him, and thankfully he didn’t follow me. But for the five minute walk to the mall I kept looking over my shoulder, just in case.

And that’s the fear women deal with. We look over our shoulders and we examine if we are safe, whether it’s on the MRT, in a parking lot, while walking home, in a Park and pretty much anywhere and everywhere.

How often do men worry about being stalked by women down the street? There’s privilege in feeling safe, and assuming you’re safe.

Being a woman doesn’t guarantee or warrant that safety. So be kind to us and try to understand why we feel the way we do and help us feel safer by providing support when we need it, and not shaming us when we tell you why we don’t feel like the world is designed with women’s concerns or safety in mind

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to start a conversation with someone, even a stranger but the way to do this is to allow distance between and lay down some social cues indicating a conversation is hoped for. Unsolicited touching of anyone especially a complete a stranger is never acceptable and can be extremely upsetting and frightening. If you’re a person that doesn’t understand social cues or how to initiate a conversation that’s ok and maybe it’s not your fault but don’t be alarmed when we snap ourselves away from you and your too close of proximity at anytime while walking alone!? And now, we get to be scared you might retaliate. No one owes each other anything except me owing myself my own safety and comfort. Ugg. I hate this I’m sorry.

marketing, random thoughts

Scan a QR code

After realizing I can scan Qr codes using iphone default camera, yup! And if may discount since one swipe away easily default lock screen .If there’s a catchy tagline or I’m particularly interested in the product, then yes. Otherwise, I wouldn’t scan for scanning’s sake.Unless it’s linked to an app which I already have and use regularly and it has something compelling for me to use or have and it’s linked to my actions or needs. For example, GMovies, Uniqlo, SMCinema, Grab rewards, etc. Or if it’s for my convenience like I don’t have to print anything, just show the code at the entrance.

in all honesty, would you scan a QR code?Yes, If its unique and generated specifically for the use. Like an invite code, confirmation of payment, of fulfillment of some sort, etc.

I have never been a fan of QR codes. I realised though that it is because I judged it mostly in the context of needing to get content (whatever it is) by scanning a QR code. But I have seen it work where the QR code makes it easier to transact. The insight is simple: you might leave your wallet behind, but in most cases you won’t leave without your phone. The challenge is not the format, I think, but in how you build a new habit / behaviour from scratch.

It may be possible especially when you shepherd everyone only through a singular way to transact, ie via QR code (transact: to pay or to do something functional like submitting info, things with numerous steps that may be simplified by a single QR and when there is a relatively inconvenient object you can ‘demonise’ ie cards, wallets, etc) whilst simultaneously ensuring frictionless experience whilst doing it post-app download that will process the QR.

INTERESTINGLY, beggars in Hangzhou don’t need your change; they want you to snap their code for RMB to go straight to their digital wallet.

Indeed, with the right infra and proper use of QR codes attached to transactions and not to irrelevant content engagement only creators find amusing, it is possible to scale it!

The QR code was in a signage beside it. So I guess what I am saying is, if you force people to in anyway, they will.



random thoughts

Temporary closure of Boracay

I say yes to closure. But here’s a twist.

Have the business owners and their workforce help clean it up. Of course, they have to be paid by the local government or the Philippine government in order to compensate their lost earnings. Sounds dumb, really. But that’s the best I can think of for a win/win situation.

The tourists have the freedom to look for another place.There should be a master plan indicating the following:
1. Specific situations to be resolved like solid, liquid, and air pollution and waste management; definition of public, commercial areas and forest lands; immediate and regular maintenance; application or revisions of applicable local and national laws.
2. Timeline of work programs with specific targets, areas, timelines, approved budget, and responsible entities
3. Support programs for displaced wage earners and local micro-small businesses.
4. Specific targets to be completed and acceptable variances.
5. FAQs with directory of contacts of responsible officers

When the roads or drainage system is being repaired in-front of your business establishment, does the government or your land lord give you financial assistance for your loss of business for that period? Does the lease get waived when there’s construction?

In reality, there is never win win situation.Business is about risk and repairs and development will always be there that is a part of risk.Its not the current admins fault. Its the greedy pigs before hand that welcomed the profit but never fixed what needed to be fix. Its good that the current admin is fixing something rather than all the previous admins allowing everything to rot.

This closure will let the future generation appreciate boracay as we have in the now.